The Five Phases of the H-1B Visa Lottery

A Step-by-Step Guide to Understand the H-1B Visa Process

January 25, 2023

By Julie C. Hancock

It is nearing that time again for Employers who want to sponsor employees on H-1B visas. A crucial deadline looms. USCIS will soon announce the registration period for the H-1B lottery for FY2024.

Last year, the H-1B Visa Lottery Registration ran from March 1st to March 18th.

There are 5 phases to this process to be aware of, and now is the time to get your ducks lined up before registration opens. As an employer, you have certain responsibilities to be aware, in addition to understanding the steps of the process, as well. See the handy guide below for a quick run through of the process.

Then contact us for competent legal counsel throughout the H-1B process.

Email, call 920-430-0281, or go to for more information.

A Step by Step Guide to H-1B Visa Process

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